Dad Joke of the Month(03/2024)
What do you call it when a snowman ignores you?
Dad Joke of the Month(02/2024)
What do you call a happy cowboy?
Dad Joke of the Month (Jan 2024)
What did the two corn cobs say to each other on January 1?
Dad Joke of the Month (Dec)
What do you call a flower that runs on electricity?
Dad Joke of the Month (Nov)
What do you call a mountain biker if his bicycle breaks?
Dad Joke of the Month
What is the best animal to fix a flat tire?
Bare Home donates remnants to Comfort Quilts
Bare Home, a company in Forest Lake that specializes in bedding that is free from toxic chemicals, has been donating the remnants of bedding after quality control has removed six-inch… Continue reading Bare Home donates remnants to Comfort Quilts
Dad Joke of the Month(03/2024)
What do you call it when a snowman ignores you?
Comfort Quilts go to Ukraine
Renee and BJ delivering 13 boxes of quilts to be shipped to Ukraine. A lot of the backs were made using donations from Bare Home. Two boxes were from another… Continue reading Comfort Quilts go to Ukraine
The Scissors Guy is coming
Paul Edgerton of Edge Mobile Sharpening will be at our February meeting starting at 5:30 to sharpen scissors. He will take credit cards, but prefers cash. Come early and bring… Continue reading The Scissors Guy is coming