Quilter’s Corner

  • Bare Home donates remnants to Comfort Quilts

    Bare Home, a company in Forest Lake that specializes in bedding that is free from toxic chemicals, has been donating the remnants of bedding after quality control has removed six-inch circles for testing.

    We utilize the remnants!

    Pin the back (flannel or fleece from Bare Home), batting, and a top to a rack.

    Run yarn through all three layers.

    Tie knots.

    Sew around the edge.

    1 Day’s worth of tied Quilts.

    22 quilts and 10 comforters ready to box to send to Ukraine. Other quilts are donated to the Refuge, Bridging, Homeless Shelters, and some are used for silent auctions and raffles. The comforters are Bare Home remnants that we have cut down and bound the edges.

    Read more: Bare Home donates remnants to Comfort Quilts
  • Monthly Meeting Changes

    Winter hours will be in effect for Nov – March: 6:30 – 8:30.

    Read more: Monthly Meeting Changes
  • Comfort Quilts

    These amazing ladies meet every month to put together quilts for needy organizations. This month’s quilts are headed for the Ukraine.

    Read more: Comfort Quilts
  • Ecumen Hospice Quilts

    To date, 40 quilts have been made for veterans by Memorial Quilters

    Read more: Ecumen Hospice Quilts